This being the presidential election year in America, Shaayla's school is also taking the opportunity to educate them on the meaning of elections and of course, who's running for presidency. There's no doubt Shaayla recognises Obama and McCain now. She even points out the name 'Obama' on bumper stickers. She's also made up her mind about who she thought would make a better president...
This was how a conversation with Shaayla went one evening :
Me : (pointing to an image of McCain on TV) Do you know who this man is?
Shaayla : John McCain
Me : That's right..just like Obama, he too wants to be the President of America
Shaayla : What's President?
Me : A president is like a leader...just like the line leader when you line up in school? He takes care of everyone.
Shaayla : oh...
Me : So, who do you think will be a better President?
Shaayla : I think Obama
Me : Why? Why not John McCain?
Shaayla : Because I think Obama is a better line leader!
Me : ?!?!?!?