Sunday, July 29, 2007

Power of One!

Today was a turning point in my life as I discovered the "Malaysia-Today" website created by Raja Petra Kamarudin (cousin to the Selangor Sultan), who is a strong critic of the Badawi "Pak Lah" government. For the past couple of week I have read his blogs, which focus on telling the truth on the dirt of Malaysian politics and was astonished by the content in his blogs. You would have to read the blogs in their entirety to get a feel of what is going on in Malaysia today. Believe you me, it is not pretty. Never have I dreamt that Malaysia's problem with corruption and nepotism is huge, perpetrated by the big guns in Malaysian politics, would have escalated to such a scale. From corruption charges on the Police chief to Badawi flying to Australia in the middle of the night to talk to investigators from Washington on his son-in-law's corrupt involvement in the Iraq food-for-oil program. Thanks to the Internet, such information cannot be silenced by censorship, jail, death or the ISA Act. The Internet is as powerful today as television was in the 50's.

As you would have guessed, the Malaysian government tried to stop his blog by taking Raja Petra in for questioning, in relation to the comments placed in his blog. However, they (the infamous Malaysian police) could not arrest him. Why? 'Cause what is on the blog is the truth. I do not think the public would tolerate another "Anwar Ibrahim saga" (wonder what stories are being created to get Raja Petra in court). His blog not only digs out the dirt but in some cases, displays evidence (black and white). I can go on and on about what was written, but I would like to urge those who read my blog to spend a few minutes, take your cursor to the far right of this blog and click on the link that I have conveniently displayed (there is also the Keadilan site for your perusal).

You might ask me. What does us reading the "Malaysia-Today" blog got to do with title "Power of one"? Well, for the first time in my life, I felt that I should make a difference by spreading the truth on Malaysian politics and it starts with introducing those who visit this blog to "Malaysia-Today" site. This would be my contribution to the cause. The "cause" is to build awareness to those who read this blog. I am sure everyone is familiar with the phrase "You can bring the horse to the pond but you cannot force him to drink the water". My blog is the pond and you guys can choose to read the link or not, it is totally up to you. But for most of us being humans, we would like to drink from that pond.

Incidentally, this blog would also serve as a record to my future generations as evidence that their father, grandfather or great grandfather was not a man who worked, brought home the bacon and died. He contributed to society in some way by bringing forth awareness (it does not have to be big one). He believed that people were entitled to the truth and the truth begins with education and awareness.

My personal wish : UMNO to be defeated at the next elections and Anwar Ibrahim made the next PM of Malaysia. This is my honest solemn wish. I hope the guy up there is listening.

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