Wednesday, March 26, 2008

No water, but juice ok. Huh?

This confounds me alright!

As usual, I picked Shaayla up from her preschool at 12noon today. For the past few days, she's been bringing a straw water-bottle to school as she's still trying to get over her cough. We want her to be able to get water easily whenever her throat feels itchy, and to stay away from the juice the preschool serves during snack time.

However, today, Shaayla's preschool teacher, Ms Priti, told me that it was NOT ok for Shaayla to drink from her water bottle, if it had water, BUT, that it was ok if it was juice or whatever else!! Huh?!?

And I thought juices in water bottles and sippy cups were the main culprit for the increasing incidences of early tooth decay in toddlers. Where's the logic? Ms Priti explained that Shaayla could drink water from her water bottle, except that she would have to pour it out into a paper cup for her to drink it! Double huh here!! Ms Priti didn't quite understand the logic as well, but explained that it was a 'Social Services' guideline for preschools.

I've read about the 'dangers' of using a sippy cup beyond a certain age & the use of a hard straw (delayed speech development etc), but ok to juice and not ok to water?

This is America for you....

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