Sunday, May 3, 2009

Congratulations to Najib, the world's first murderer/minister

This is when I love to shout out "Malaysia Boleh". Ironically, this was a chant created to help the confidence of Malaysians to compete in the world arena by our dear Mahatir. However, we all use it for all the things that are wrong with the country, someone becomes prime minister after there is conclusive (the judges would deny this though cause they are not puppets of the administration!!!) evidence pointing him to the murder.....Malaysia Boleh!!! Indian protesters jailed for voicing out their opinions and how they felt after being suppressed for so many years.....Malaysia Boleh!!! Corrupt Indian MIC leader who has no constituent to govern can still remain as the party leader .....Malaysia Boleh!!!Religious freedom is denied to the minority, although allowed in the constitution, if you so much as express yourself, you're thrown in jail but the majority can yield their "keris" and talk down on other religions and it's perfectly ok.....Malaysia Boleh.

People leave their birth place for different reasons, but for Malaysian minorities, it was too obvious. When I tell people in America that minorities are below worse than animals in Malaysia, they seem shocked cause that only existed in the 50's. Well Malaysia is in it's 50's, sad to say. Why has there been no progress...(please don't look at the Petronas Towers and tell me that is progress....i would have to spit at that), 2 words "brain drain".

Brain Drain people brain drain....and mind you it's because of the exodus of minorities who knew a long time ago that they never stood a chance in the country of their birth. What happened after that, they all moved across the border south and made that country a jewel in South East Asia. Don't believe me!! If you can get your hand on the number of Malaysians in Singapore that are currently working there or converted their citizenship from Malaysian to Singaporean, you will be shocked. To this is say ......Malaysia Boleh!!!

Have fun Najib.....hope you and your crony's get rich during your term.

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